31. HTC info menu
30. Test function for HTC devices
* # * # 3424 # * # *
29. Tracking Google Talk service
28. Field test
27. Bluetooth address
26. Bluetooth test
25. Display RAM version
24. Test proximity sensor
23. Audio test
22. Test LCD screen
21. Extensive GPS test
20. Quick GPS test
19. Display Wi-Fi MAC address
18. After entering this code, your device will turn off
17. Formatting the device to default settings (warning – this deletes all date on the devices)
16. Resetting data to default settings
15. Look at the status of phone locks
14. HSDPA / HSUPA Control Menu
13. System dump mode
12. Diagnostic information
11. Information about the software and hardware
10. FTA software version (in 1234 within the same code
will provide a view of the PDA and firmware version)
9. Test for touch screen
8. Test for vibration and backlight
7. Test for Wireless LAN
6. Activating test mode devices
5. Instant backup media files
4. Details on camera
3. Information about device, user statistics and battery
2. Service menu on devices like the Galaxy S III